Home Field


Thank you for your interest in Home/Field. Please complete the Pitch Form and the editorial team will be in touch via email regarding your pitch and the next steps. An editor is assigned to work with the author through the publication process and each accepted piece goes through two rounds of peer editing on the editorial board. Please review the guidelines below for more information on submission types and feel free to contact us at: homefieldsubmission@gmail.com.



We encourage you to take a clear, lean, and conversational tone in your writing, targeting it to a broad audience beyond academia. Please hyperlink to citations if possible and avoid parenthetical citations. All submissions will be editor-reviewed. Each genre (Audio/Visual Essays, Engagements, and Author Dialogues) has its own specific parameters, listed below.

Audio/Visual Essays

This is a space for experimentation with multimedia and multimodal research. We welcome submissions that decenter text, or that go beyond the written word altogether. This could include photo essays, short documentary, video journals, musical scores, soundscapes, field recordings, collaborative art, and digital collaborations. Photo essays should have 4-8 photos and a maximum 1,000 words text. Images and photographs accompanying submissions should be supplied with the highest quality, with a minimum of 300 dpi, in JPG or TIFF format. A/V formats will primarily be hosted via embedded YouTube or audio player. Total time should not exceed 30 minutes for one essay.


North American ethnography is filled with opportunity for meaningful dialogues and reflections spurred by engagement with our co-locutors and colleagues, theoretical debates, and methodological innovations. We welcome both collaborative dialogues and single-authored engagements with your Home/Field(s), broadly conceived. What are the ways we collaborate within and beyond our field sites? How do these interlocutions articulate what is critical to North American ethnography? Give us a line into your dialogues, a seat at your debates. 2,500 words max.

Author Dialogues

Some of the most clarifying scholarly moments come in casual conversation, where the serious work of hanging out and hashing things out can happen. This feature gives authors and their readers a chance to hang out textually. Rather than an author-meets-critic session, this is a place for an engaged and informed reader to ask all of the follow-up questions that every great book or article leaves us with. We are particularly interested in conversations about books that JANA has recently reviewed, or conversations that would serve as a stand-alone component of a book you would be interested in reviewing. Author Engagements should include a brief introduction to contextualize the conversation. 1,500 words max.


We are licensing many of our articles and other published materials (Home/Field Content) under Creative Commons so they can be freely and easily republished. The license at the end of each piece will indicate how it may be reused. Our guidelines for republishing these pieces are as follows:

  1. Where noted Home/Field Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International (click the link to see legal details). If you have further questions, please contact us.
  2. Home/Field Content cannot be edited without express permission from Home/Field and the author(s) except for minor editorial style changes and edits for accuracy, for example, updating the time and calendar dates. If you would like to make more substantial edits, please email homefieldsubmission@gmail.com.
  3. You must credit the author with a byline, preferably at the top of the republished work.
  4. You must credit Home/Field as the source of the material with a brief sentence, preferably at the top of the work, such as, “This work first appeared on Home/Field under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license. Read the original here.” The words Home/Field should link to homefieldanthro.org and “original here” should link to the work’s URL.
  5. The links to our site and the use of our logo must not cast Home/Field, the Society for the Anthropology of North America, or the Journal for the Anthropology of North America in a false or disingenuous light, including suggesting any affiliation with you or our endorsement of your publication.
  6. You must provide a link to the CC BY-ND 4.0 license. This ensures that anyone who sees Home/Field content on a third-party site is aware that they too can use the material.
  7. Images, audio, and video in our articles are not included under the Creative Commons license. Please do not republish the images that accompany Home/Field Content without express permission from the copyright holder.
  8. You may not republish our material wholesale or systematically. You can only select individual stories for republication.
  9. These guidelines for republication have been adapted from Sapiens, with their permission.

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